¥1,100 税込
なら 手数料無料の 翌月払いでOK
『✨選べる4パターンの楽しみ ♪ あなたならどうする!?✨』
カスタマイズの幅が広がって、もっとオシャレに楽しくなりました ♪
SMART STRAGE POUCH パーテーション(largeサイズ)は ポーチ内を仕切る為のアイテムです。
それぞれの用途に合わせてご自身でカスタマイズ可能!整理 &収納の強い味方です!✨
※こちらは『 パーテーション(largeサイズ)』の購入ページです。
縦 約155mm
横 約120mm
マチ 約55mm
"✨ Four Exciting Patterns to Choose From ♪ What Would You Do!?! ✨"
"Smoky Brown" Joins the Partitions!!
Customization options have expanded, making it even more stylish and enjoyable ♪
The SMART STORAGE POUCH Partition (Large Size) is an item designed to divide the pouch's interior.
It provides maximum support when you want to organize things meticulously.
It's highly convenient for storing tube-type hair styling products or items that are difficult to stand upright.
It's also recommended when you want to organize the contents of your on-set bag with partitions ⭐︎
You can customize it according to your needs! It's a strong ally for organization and storage! ✨
*The price is per unit.
*This is the purchase page for the "Partition (Large Size)."
Please ensure that you select the correct size.
◉ Partition (Large Size)
Height: Approximately 155mm
Width: Approximately 55mm
Depth: Approximately 120mm
*Fits perfectly in sets of three for the SMART STORAGE POUCH (Large Size).
*During shipping, it will be provided in a folded state.
*Any folding creases will disappear with use, but if you're concerned, you can gently use a hairdryer (low heat) before use to restore its original shape.
"Smoky Brown joins the lineup! The joy of choice has expanded even more! ✨"
With the introduction of Smoky Brown, the customization options for the pouch have expanded! ^_^
『選べる4パターンの楽しみ ♪』もっと楽しくオシャレを追求 ♪
The fun of choosing from four different patterns and an increase in style factor!!
A □clear×brown 2カラーのコントラストがスタイリッシュでオシャレ
B □clear×clear スタンダードなクリアのレイヤーは中身が一目瞭然でシンプル&ベスト
C □brown×clear NEWカラー『スモーキーブラウン』のカッコよさを生かしたコンビネーション
D □brown×brown ブラウンのレイヤーで重厚感をプラス、大人のカラーで落ち着いた印象を演出
■English sentence
A □clear×brown Contrast of two colors, stylish and fashionable
B □clear×clear Standard clear layer, everything is visible inside, simple and the best
C □brown×clear Combination that showcases the coolness of the NEW color "Smoky Brown"
D □brown×brown Adding depth with the brown layer, creating a mature and calm impression with adult colors
✨clear ✖️ brown のコントラストはスタイリッシュでオシャレ上級者に✨
パーテーション( brown)サイド2箇所
パーテーション (clear)中央 を使用しています。
Our staff's favorite combination!!
Using "Brown" partitions on both sides and a "Clear" partition in the center.
Turn your everyday makeup area into a special space! ^_^
¥1,100 税込